Edition 26 — October 6th, 2024

Ditch the lies

Today’s newsletter is going to be a rant, and I’m apologizing up front.  But sometimes, things need to be said, no sugarcoating.

You ever mind your own business, and suddenly some “expert” shows up in your inbox, promising to change your life with their foolproof, cookie-cutter system? They claim all it takes is a few thousand dollars, and they’ll hand you the “secret” to success. Well, let me tell you—that’s bullshit.

I used to buy into that crap. I thought if I just followed the plan, dotted my i’s, and crossed my t’s, I’d be set. But it doesn’t work like that. No system is going to do the work for you. You can’t buy your way to success with some overpriced, one-size-fits-all roadmap. And yet, these coaches keep selling it like it’s a golden ticket.

How do I know?

You want to know how I know? Because I was one of them. I sold the systems, thinking that’s how you help people. But when my clients didn’t get results, I didn’t chase more volume like the others. I went deeper. Studied psychology, NLP, marketing, sales—all of it. And guess what I found?

It’s not the system. It’s the people. You, your team, your clients. Success isn’t about the perfect process—it’s about communication. That’s what these coaches won’t tell you. Business isn’t hard, but we make it that way by ignoring the human side of it all.

Why you should care

You need to know how to spot these schemes because they’ll cost you thousands of dollars and years of frustration. Once you see through them, you’ll stop chasing the next shiny thing and start focusing on what matters: trusting yourself, building something authentic, and making decisions based on your gut, not someone else’s script.


Most people don’t figure this out until it’s too late. They waste months, even years, trying to make these cookie-cutter systems work. But if the system wasn’t built for you, it’s never going to work—no matter how hard you try.

Here’s why these coaches are leading you astray:

  • They sell one-size-fits-all solutions. It’s nonsense to think one system can work for everyone.
  • They don’t get you. They care more about their process than finding what works for you.
  • They sell false hope. Success isn’t in a course—it’s in the daily grind and risks you take.
  • They profit from your doubt. They thrive on your insecurity, selling answers they don’t have.
  • They package and sell failure. They know it won’t work for most people, but they don’t care. There’s always another buyer.

Here’s How You Take Back Control:

Step 1: Burn the blueprint

First thing you need to do? Throw out that one-size-fits-all roadmap they sold you. It’s not meant for your vision. You’ve got to simplify and focus. Forget the noise, the endless systems, and to-do lists.

Why? Because you’re wasting time chasing someone else’s version of success. Instead, build your own. When you hone in on what you do best, that’s when things start to click.

Action Step: For the next 30 days, focus on one thing that truly moves the needle—whether that’s building trust with clients, or perfecting your marketing. Forget everything else.

Step 2: Stop letting fear run the show

Let’s be real—fear’s the biggest thing holding you back. You hesitate, you second-guess, and you wait for certainty. But guess what? There’s no certainty in this game.

Letting fear make your decisions will keep you stuck, and these coaches? They count on that fear to keep you paying. But no system’s going to protect you from failure—it’s part of the deal.

Action Step: This week, do one thing that scares you. Whether it’s raising your rates or dropping a bad client, stop waiting for the right moment. For some it is calling past clients and ask if they have any new projects in their pipeline. Just take the leap.

Step 3: Bet on yourself

Here’s the secret: everything changes the moment you stop looking for someone else’s answers and start trusting your own instincts. When you bet on yourself, you take back control.

You stop relying on someone else’s roadmap and start building something authentic. That’s where the real power is.

Action Step: For the next seven days, whenever you hesitate, remind yourself: I don't need permission to do this. Then act. Don’t wait for validation. Trust that the path will appear right in front of you.  

The light at the end of the tunnel

When you stop chasing schemes and start trusting yourself, business gets simple. You’ll build something real. Something that lasts. And that’s the game-changer.

Marko Pfann

If you’re ready to get off the hamster wheel and build your own path, reach out. Let’s talk 1:1. No cookie-cutter BS. Just real, actionable guidance for you.
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