Edition 24 — September 21st, 2024
Business ain’t a plan, it’s an unfolding mess (and that’s the point)
Here’s a secret: you’re never gonna have it all figured out—not in life, not in business. Success doesn’t come from having the perfect plan. It comes from diving into the chaos and letting things unfold.
Isn’t that what art is all about?
Take my tattoo story. I wanted one for 45 years but never got it because I waited for the perfect design. I wanted it to reflect my personality, look good, and have deep meaning a purpose. Guess what? That perfect tattoo never appeared because I was trying to control the meaning before I even committed.
Then my friend Héctor called me out. “It’s not about the meaning, man. It’s about what you like.” That hit me. So, I flew to Barcelona, handed over my skin to superroger, and we recorded the whole thing as a podcast. (Coming out later this year 🚀)
Was it the perfect tattoo?
Who knows! The meaning changes every day. But that’s the point—it didn’t need to be perfect; it just needed to happen. The act itself freed me. (And yeah, I freaking love it.)
Stop waiting for perfection. Start doing.
You’ve been lied to. You don’t need a perfect plan. Not in life, not in busines—just action. What you need is to get off your ass and start. The plan unfolds as you move. But most people won’t start.
The problem? You’re afraid of messing up!
You’re terrified of making mistakes. So you wait, tweak, and procrastinate. Meanwhile, nothing happens. There’s no perfect tattoo, no perfect business plan—just forward motion. That’s where the magic happens.
Why most creatives never get unstuck:
- Analysis Paralysis – Think more planning equals more success? Wrong!
- Fear of Failure – You’re gonna screw up. That’s the point.
- Playing it Safe – You’ve built a cozy little world for yourself, and you don’t want to leave it.
- External Noise – You’re letting the voices of others—society, your family, even that one business coach you follow—drown out your gut instinct. Stop listening to them. Start listening to yourself.
Now, here’s how to break free:
Step 1: Make a mess
Let go of the need for a perfect plan. Get messy. Take action—anything to get moving. Once you start, you’ll figure things out as you go.
I waited years for the “right” tattoo, but once I let go and did it, it became a catalyst for more. Your business will grow too—if you start now.
Step 2: Embrace the discomfort
Everyone’s addicted to comfort. That’s why they fail. You’ve got to get uncomfortable. Business is about taking risks, having hard conversations, making big decisions, and stepping into the unknown.
I was nervous flying to Barcelona without an idea what we're doing, but that’s where the breakthrough happened. My advice? Trust the process. Stop playing it safe. Push yourself into unfamiliar territory and watch what unfolds.
Step 3: Trust the unfolding process
You don’t need all the answers. The more you act, the more they’ll come. My tattoo is still evolving—just like your business will. It’s about trusting the process and watching what unfolds.
By the end of your messy journey, you’ll have a studio that’s raw, still evolving, and full of joy and meaning—just like life itself.
The only thing holding you back is you
No coach, community, or guru will save you. You have to save yourself. The meaning of your business, like life, reveals itself through action.
So what are you waiting for? Get messy. Get uncomfortable. And let the process unfold.
Marko Pfann
p.s:. If you’re ready to build your dream and live as your true self, I’ve started a community of like-minded studio owners called The Creative Business Club. Reach out to learn how to join us.