Edition 23 — September 15th, 2024

Big decisions come easy, if you let them 🥶

Yes, we are building something new—something exciting and beautiful. Big decisions are ahead, and the worst thing we could do is hesitate or think small. Now back to you!

Look, you already know what you want. Deep down, under all the noise, all the fear, all the conditioning, all the stories you tell yourself—you know. You know what you want. The problem is you’re letting everyone else get in your head. Society, family, friends, your own damn mind. You overthink and lose yourself in the process. You’re listening to the wrong voices.

But here’s the truth: life-changing decisions don’t need to be complicated. But they need to feel right.

Your need for logic is killing your clarity

We’ve been conditioned to second-guess ourselves, to find the logic in our decisions. Told to follow the “safe” path. To do what makes sense. Play by the rules, keep everyone happy, and stay comfortable. Guess what? That’s bullshit.

This conditioning, the opinions, voices, and “good” advice of others, makes us forget who we are—deep down. We end up making decisions based on what we think we should do, instead of what we feel is right. And that’s where everything falls apart. That’s why you don’t yet have the business you truly desire. That’s why you put in so much effort but only get out so little.

What those voices tell you:

  • Fear masks itself as logic. We think we’re being practical when we’re actually just scared.
  • We’ve been trained to prioritize what others think over what feels right for us.
  • There’s a constant pressure to follow the “normal” path, even when it’s not what we want.
  • We fear failure, and that fear keeps us stuck in the status quo.

How you break free? Glad you asked!

Step 1: Get the hell out of your head

When I need to make a big decision, I don’t sit around “thinking” about it. That’s the last thing you should do. Your head is a messy place. It’s full of fears, doubts, and ego-driven nonsense.

So, I disconnect. I risk something. I hit the road, travel somewhere new. Do something I’ve never done before. Following my own advice I got inked. That breaks the noise. Shakes off the routine. And guess what happens? I start to feel again. I start to hear that inner voice that’s been drowned out by all the shoulds and what-ifs.

Do this. Get out of your head. Get out of your environment. Do something different. Your mind will scream at you, but let it scream. You’re looking for clarity, and you won’t find that in the middle of your comfort zone. You’ll find it in the unknown—outside that cozy comfort zone.

Step 2: Stop rationalizing, start feeling

Here’s where most people screw up: they try to think their way through everything. They analyze, they strategize, they wait for the perfect moment. But here’s the deal—your brain? It doesn’t know the answer. It’s full of fear and doubt. But you, you feel it.

So stop rationalizing. The right decision is the one that feels right. If it feels exciting, even a little scary—that’s a sign. If it feels heavy, fear-based, or filled with shame? Wrong. Move on.

Trust your gut. It knows what you want. And it’s not playing by anyone else’s rules.

Step 3: Make the damn decision

No more waiting. No more needing to know everything. No more “what if I fail?” You won’t have all the answers—and that’s fine. Make the decision that feels right in your bones, and trust it. Trust that it will make sense later. Trust that even if it doesn’t work out how you expect, it will get you where you need to go.

Life-changing decisions are only hard when you overthink them. But when you strip away the fear, the ego, the conditioning, and just feel—it’s simple.

Final word

Stop complicating your life. The next big decision? Make it simple. Get out of your head, into your heart, and just trust yourself for once. You fucking owe it to yourself. The answers are already there.

Marko Pfann

p.s:. If you’re ready to build your dream and live as your true self, I’ve started a community of like-minded studio owners called The Creative Business Club. Reach out to learn how to join us.