Edition 15 — July 21st, 2024

Stop being so fucking transactional

The pandemic hit us hard, stalling creativity and pushing everyone into a transactional rut. Quick gains replaced genuine innovation. I shifted my business approach from chasing numbers to fostering true creativity. More on that later.

The Problem: Short-Term Thinking

We’ve embraced a survival mindset, obsessed with quick cash and instant results. This short-term thinking strangles innovation and turns creation into a numbers game. True innovation thrives on creativity, not metrics. It’s about exploring, expanding, and embracing chaos. Creativity isn’t linear.

Stuck in a Rut

The belief that survival is all that matters now is misguided. Times are tough, but focusing only on the short term traps you in a despised business model. When I embraced a long-term vision, clients came naturally. We crave innovation, fun, and creativity—especially the brands you want to sign.

Brands Crave Boldness

Brands need visionaries who look beyond immediate payoffs. If we shift from a transactional approach to one rooted in genuine creativity, our clients will follow. It’s our responsibility to break free from this short-sighted mindset.

Why Should You Care?

Shifting from a transactional mindset to a creative one brings immense benefits: renewed joy, impactful projects, and bold, innovative visions. A long-term approach often leads to short-term gains faster than you think.

The Trap of Transactional Thinking

  • Fear of the Future
    Fear of an uncertain future drives many into a transactional mindset.
  • Obsession with Metrics
    Focusing too much on metrics stifles creativity.
  • Following Trends
    Mimicking trends rather than setting them leads to uninspired work.
  • Compromising Authenticity
    Prioritising quick gains over genuine work leads to shallow creations.

How to Get Out of Transactional Thinking:

1. Have a Fucking Opinion

Tell clients what they should focus on. Don't just follow their lead. Lead! Be patient and assertive.

2. Make Them Think Bigger

Disrupt their short-term thinking and help them realign with their bigger vision. Lead and they will happily follow.

3. Fucking Share Your Experience

Openly share your knowledge and learn from others. You need a support network otherwise you will end up on that transactional mindset again.

4. Have Patience

It takes time. Yet once you commit to a long term vision you will make quick gains again. Trust the process.

Embrace the Long-Term Perspective

Never compromise your innovation, your creativity for short-term gains. Once you shift to a transactional model, it’s hard to go back to true innovation. Creativity is the super-power business people need. That's why they come. If you loose that you are a commodity.

It’s up to us, the creatives, to lead the way and get clients out of that short term transactional thinking. Let’s help them feel the joy again and free them from the transactional mindset.

Marko Pfann

p.s:. I’d love to hear from you. What can I write about to help your business? Reply to this email and let me know (I read every email).

And when you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Community & Trainings: Join my flagship community on how to build a lean, scalable creative business.

2. Private Business Coaching: I help creative pros 1:1 to overcome self-imposed limits and see opportunities. Coaching can get you to the next level faster and with fewer headaches.