Edition 14 — July 14th, 2024
Creative freedom sucks
In 2014, after selling my studio, I thought I had it all figured out. I though I achieved CREATIVE FREEDOM (the ultimate dream). I had money, time, and an endless urge to create. I was free. It seemed like the perfect scenario: doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. With no clients to answer to and no deadlines to meet, I was finally liberated.
At first, I relished my newfound freedom. The hamster wheel was gone, and I was basking in the luxury of unstructured time. But soon, the dream turned into a nightmare. Great ideas came to mind, but they remained just that—ideas. Without deadlines or constraints, I found myself drifting. My creative process ground to a halt, and instead of feeling liberated, I was more stressed than ever. I gained 15 pounds, felt lost, and started to slip into depression.
It took me a while, but eventually, I learned a crucial lesson: It's the progress towards a goal, that makes us happy, not creative freedom, bit the absence of limits.
The Power of Limits
Creative freedom is an enticing illusion, a mirage promising boundless expression and ultimate satisfaction. We fantasize about being free from limitations, imagining that without boundaries, we would craft something extraordinary. Yet, here’s the hard truth: without constraints, you would likely falter. Unchecked freedom leads to procrastination, overthinking, and self-doubt. The absence of limits does not foster greatness; it breeds stagnation.
Why? Because creative freedom thrives within limits. Constraints are the friction against which we sharpen our ideas. Without limitations and challenges, there is no growth. And growth, my friends, is where happiness truly lies. When you are on the path of becoming better—whether as a designer, entrepreneur, or in any other role—you find joy in the journey itself.
Think about fitness: no pain, no gain. Without the discipline to show up at the gym and push through discomfort, there is no progress, and thus, no happiness. The same principle applies to our creative and professional lives. We crave the benefits of growth but often shy away from the effort required.
Building a New Path
Realizing this, I started a new business. A business where I could help fellow entrepreneurs on their journey. Slowly but steadily, I made progress. It wasn’t easy at the beginning, but I enjoyed the journey, I was happy (and I still am).
Progress Made Me Happy Again
Yet to progress, you need a goal to move toward. You need a plan to measure progress and the discipline to take action, especially when you don’t feel like it or when you are confused.
The progress towards your goal is the only thing that will get you out of Imposter Syndrome and the habit of overthinking.
True athletes progress. True entrepreneurs progress And so are true artists. We evolve, we get better. We need a goal and the limitations that goal brings to be happy.
The romantic notion of the undisciplined creative genius is a myth. To become the person worthy of your goals, you must embrace the progress. This might not be what you wanted to hear today, but it should free you up.
Now let's define the limitations we’ll operate within.
No matter if it is about losing weight, making money, building friendships, there are four essentials to be happy, no matter the circumstances.
- Goal
- Plan
- Habits
- Accountability
1. Set Clear Intentions
Begin with clear intentions. Know what you want to achieve and why it matters. Intentions provide the direction and purpose that fuel your journey.
Reflect: What drives you to build a million-dollar creative studio? Why do you need this? Why get up at 5 am every single day to make this happen? Your answers to these questions will form the bedrock of your disciplined practice.
2. Develop a Structured Routine
Develop a routine that aligns with your intentions. Routines are not prisons; they are the frameworks within which creativity thrives. A good routine reduces decision fatigue.
Example: When I stopped doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and embraced a daily routine around sales and marketing, my business took off. My life became better, my health improved, and my happiness soared.
3. Cultivate Gradual Habits
Build habits gradually. You need to give your subconscious time to catch up. It’s the small, consistent actions that lead to significant progress over time. Just going all in for a few weeks will not change your life. The key here is daily effort. Making one big effort won’t change who you are. But daily habits install a new identity—the identity of the person deserving your goals.
Example: Begin with a daily 30-minute outreach routine. Reach out to five people to start a business conversation. Don’t pitch; build your network. Deliver value. Make friends. This will, over time, lead to a million-dollar business.
4. Stay Accountable
Find ways to stay accountable. Whether through self-reflection, accountability partners, or tracking tools, ensure that you remain committed to your path.
Example: I run a community where we hold people accountable for their chosen actions. Next month, we will start a daily content challenge where we send daily templates for posting so people can build a habit and build up accountability.
Embrace Progress
Happiness is not found in the absence of limits but in the embrace of disciplined progress. Set clear intentions, develop a supportive routine, cultivate positive habits, and stay accountable. This approach will help you reduce stress, increase productivity, and find joy in the journey.
Remember: Happiness is progress, not freedom!
Marko Pfann
p.s:. I’d love to hear from you. What can I write about to help your business? Reply to this email and let me know (I read every email).
And when you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:
1. Community & Trainings: Join my flagship community on how to build a lean, scalable creative business.
2. Private Business Coaching: I help creative pros 1:1 to overcome self-imposed limits and see opportunities. Coaching can get you to the next level faster and with fewer headaches.